Studio Acronyms can get out of control in a hurry.
It doesn't take long for people to start throwing them around and make you feel like they are speaking another language.
Here is a quick summary of the acronyms you are likely to encounter in your quest to build your home recording studio.
Soon you'll be the one impressing your friends.
And remember speaking in acronyms is great preparation for a career as a pilot... that and flying an airplane.
ADC - Analog to Digital Converter
AI - Audio Interface
BPM - Beats Per Minute (Tempo)
CPU - Central Processing Unit
DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
DAW - Digital Audio Workstation
dB - Decibel
DI - Direct Input
EQ - Equalization
FX - Effects (i.e. reverb, delay, etc.)
Hz - Hertz (cycles per second)
IEEE 1394 - Generic term for "FireWire" interface
I/O - Input / Output
kHz - kilohertz (1000 cycles per second)
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
Q - Quality (or Bandwidth used in Equalizer)
USB - Universal Serial Bus
RAM - Random Access Memory
RCA - Radio Corp. of America (the inventors)
TRS - Tip Ring Sleeve (balanced connector)
TS - Tip Sleeve (unbalance connector)
XLR - X (Series) Latch Rubber